Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Xyron 500 Sticker Maker

Xyron 500 Sticker Maker

I want to show how neat this little machine is... but first a little bit of background on how I got it.  A while back I was looking on a site called Craigslist. In case you haven't heard of it, it's a pretty popular online classifieds ads site.  No matter where you are in the world, there is a link for your area in the world and you can click to see what people are selling.  There are different sections such as furniture, appliances, etc.. there is even a  "FREE" section and I often look to see what people are giving away.  So I responded to an ad that said lots of free craft stuff.  When I got home with the box of goodies there were two of those Xyron 500 sticker makers.. among LOTS of other really neat stuff!  I ended up giving my daughter one of them and I kept the other.  The machines were empty and just needed the refill cartridges. I got the refill and have been playing with it today and I have to say this is a really nifty little machine!!!!!!  I love it..... have a look at all the stickers I made:

Playing with this machine is so much fun! All you do is stick whatever you want to make into a sticker right on the front of the machine on the flat feed and push it back a bit, then roll the knob away from you and it feeds the shape into the machine and out the back where you tear off and Wallah!! The entire back of your shape will have a film of permanent adhesive. I give Xyron 500 an A+ :0)

Oh, in case anyone is interested here is Craigslist


  1. I'm so friggin' jealous! Over here in LA, I've only seen craft stuff for sale, not free!! Been thinking about getting the xyron 150 to start off with. Also re: glue, I love my fine-point 2-way Zig pen.

    1. I'm jealous that you get to live in L.A.! Yeah... I think I lucked out on the free craft stuff. It's funny you mentioned the two way Zig pen..that is exactly what I used to attach the smaller cut outs to the bigger ones in the photos. I've had it for a while and it's the first time I had used it and LOVE it!

  2. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more content...Great job, keep it up. Sticker Maker in Malaysia.

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