Saturday, March 24, 2012

Crafts Using Rocks Rock!

I was browsing Martha Stewart's craft site and these cute rocks caught my eye... How cute are these rocks below?! I have to admit, I've never really thought of rocks as being cute but these definitely are and how expensive is a rock??? I think they are pretty impressive so I wanted to share them on my blog today.   It also made me curious about what other decorated rocks out there... and I found LOTS of very cute rocks! Here are a few of my favorites......................

@Martha Stewart.Com
I love how they spelled out the title of the article with the rocks.. too cute! Be sure to check out Martha's link for even more cute rocks.

@Fab Mums

Check out these cute lady bugs.. wouldn't they be cute placed in your flower beds or even in the pots of your inside plants? Go to the link for the how-to.

@Deep Into the Darkness Peering
I had to share these beautiful rocks...I am amazed at the detailed painting on these rocks.  I wish I could paint like on the link to see more.

@red bird crafts
Look at these cute fabric hearts mod podged onto rocks! This would make a fun craft for kids! Be sure to check out the link to see the other love message rocks and she shares how they were made too!

I can not help but fall in love with these cute painted bird rocks.. they are so cheery and cute! They are called 'Pet Rocks' and these too are great for kids! Go to the link for the how-to.

I hope you have enjoyed my post today.... I think these rocks are great for a budget craft choice.

Happy Rock Crafting!!!


  1. Cute post! Thanks for featuring my rocks :)

    Ruth @ Deep Into The Darkness Peering

  2. You are welcome, Ruth :) Thank you for sharing your beautiful rocks with us.

  3. OMG! this is a cute brilliant idea, thanks for sharing it...:-)

  4. You are welcome, Princess Angela! Glad you like these.. I love them, too :)
