Friday, June 8, 2012

Memorial Day/4th of July Wreaths Round-Up

Memorial Day has come and gone and the 4th of July is fast approaching.  It's time to start thinking about decorations!  I missed decorating this year for Memorial Day because we were in the middle of a move but never hurts to look for ideas for next year and also for 4th of July, coming up!!  I decided to feature some super cute patriotic wreaths I found as I was looking around today.

I love the look of this one with all of the little flags.

I love faux flowers so naturally I am crazy over this wreath... so cute with the little buttons!

Another cute flower wreath.. I love the fluffy white.  Be sure to check out the matching pillow!

 I love the big bow on the top and how fluffy this wreath is.. and the glittery stars are a perfect touch!

 This wreath made from balloons is so neat!  I like how it has the light and dark blue balloons along with red and white. It's actually for a July birthday (so cute!) but you could change up the sign and put Happy 4th or Celebrate.. LOVE THIS!!!

Grab some ribbon and make one of these! Love it :0)

A huge thank you to all who shared these beautiful wreaths on your blogs! That's it for now... stay tuned for more 4th of July crafts coming soon :0)

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