Thursday, February 2, 2012

Antique Button Crafts and Decor

antique button heart wall hanging

antique button bouquet

I made both of these with some antique buttons that were in a jar that I acquired after my grandmother on my dad's side passed away.  The buttons are so pretty..  many of them were more fancy rather than just ordinary buttons.  Some were glass and metal, too.

Photo #1--The top one was made by cutting a heart shape out of card board and then I hot glued the buttons to the cardboard. On the back side of the cardboard I hot glued a piece of wire to it for a hanger.  The frame was just a dollar store frame that I took the back and glass out of. I then connected the wire to the top of the frame for a hanger and tied a raffia bow and stuck a button in the middle of the bow.   I first hung the button heart, and then hung the frame around it.

Photo #2-- I threaded wire up and back through layers of buttons and then twisted the wire together to make the stems.  It's very easy to do and they turn out so cute!

Hope you have enjoyed these button crafts/decor projects.... Happy Button Crafting :0)