Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cone Shaped Christmas Tree Decor

I love the embellished, cone shaped Christmas trees I have been seeing for the past few years and what I love most about them is that you don't have to go out and buy the "cone shaped form" to make one of these pretty trees.  You could actually just use chipboard or poster board and make your own cone shape and then decorate or embellish it however you like. I have been working on a few of my own cone shaped Christmas trees and will be sure to post pictures when I am finished.. but until then, I wanted to share some that I found online that were very inspiring to me.  I believe all of these have the tutorials as well :)

First up are these gorgeous fabric covered trees that I found over at The Creative Exchange... LOVE them!

I love these pretty trees that I found over at Hero Arts. With the selection of beautiful papers out there.. the possibilities are endless!

oh.. my Goodness! LOVE these pretty glittered ones over at eighteen25.  I really love how they sit on the pillar candle holders... very cute! Just FYI: You can get the Styrofoam forms like the ones used in this pic AND the candle holders over at the Dollar Tree for a buck a piece!

Be still my beating heart!! I have fallen in love with these gorgeous sparkly, ruffly trees over at Kate Landers Events, LLC.

Have a look at this GORGEOUS vintage embellished cone shaped tree from My Love of Style. Oh, my gosh... it's stunning!

This is just a few of the beautiful decorated cone Christmas trees out there.. I hope you have enjoyed this little round up and that they have inspired you as much as they have me.  Thank you to all of the talented ladies out there who made these beautiful trees :) 

If you are wanting to make your own cones instead of buying the cone shape form, I found the instructions over at The Creativity Exchange to be very helpful and love how my cones came out!

Thank you so much for dropping by :)


  1. I love them too Jamie!! Tree cone mania girl! I love your round-up and love that you included my trees! Thank you so much and love your blog!! Happy Holidays!!

    1. Thank you! So glad you stopped by.. and really appreciate your cone instructions. I followed them and my cones turned out great. I'm still in the process of decorating them but will be sure to post pics when they are done :)

  2. I can't believe all the different versions these trees come in. And they are all so pretty and fun. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome.. thank you so much for dropping by!

  3. I just saw your link on Randomcreative and had to come over. Your blog title attracted my attention...lol I just came across that first project last night and fell in love with it. I liked the idea of using poster board because styrofoam is so darn expensive.

    1. Ann.. Oh yeah, I agree... those Styrofoam cones are too expensive.. even at Wal-Mart! You can find Styrofoam cones sometimes at your local Dollar Tree store.. the only thing is they are only one size and it's a bit smaller than I wanted. The poster board works great! So glad you enjoyed this post.. thank you so much for dropping by :)
